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Family helping families, reduce financial stress


Financial Plan with Purpose

Creating a budget can be overwhelming and sometimes very stressful to figure out on your own. Let me take care of putting everything in order for you so that you can live a better life without the everyday financial stress. I am family driven and committed to helping other families sort out their finances with the intent to over time create a financial safety net. I create custom budgets that are focused on everyday real life needs


Why our budget program?

Many people who have a monthly budget created are still over-spending. Others are trying to create one but it's just too overwhelming so they get discouraged and give up using them. Much of this is because they are not forming a realistic budget for themselves. Many budgeting programs are geared to a “one size fits all” mentality but that is just not how the world works. Every household's needs and priorities are different. Many households don’t have consistent income which other programs need to make their budgets work. 


What makes "Life Changing Budget Program" different then the rest?!

  • The are completely custom for each individual's situation therefore, anyone can use my basic budget model no matter what stage of life they are in. From high school students to seniors on a fixed income. 

  • I use percentages instead of dollar amounts, allowing your budget to fluctuate with your income 

  • I will show you how much you have to spend, save and use for the future (not the same as savings)

  • We look at your spending habits to see where to allocate funds that best suit your situation.

  • You will learn why having multiple accounts, used properly, can be very beneficial

  • I will show you why making bill payments and moving money between accounts automatically help relieve the stress of missed bill payments and help you save money without you thinking about it

  • I will show you how to get out of debt quickly. Be aware that this may take sacrifice for a little while but is also very freeing when you don’t have pressing debt

  • If you are always fighting with your significant other about how money “should” be spent this is perfect for you. We can build a budget that you both can understand/agree with so there is no more fighting. 

  • We can help you create sub-budgets to keep track of holiday gifts, clothing for the year, school supplies/expenses ect. In order to not throw your budget off when your kid comes home with the 5th birthday invitation in a month!

  • The biggest benefit of all, is you get 1-on-1 guidance through the entire process! You will develop the skills needed to carry out your budget and roll with the punches when life throws you a curveball.


**Please note that this service does not include investment advice. I am not an investment specialist and do not have the skills to guide you through them. I can only provide you with the total monthly amount you can use to invest freely without a chance of losing everything.**

All of this for only $100!


Active Military/Veteran Discount

15% off your Life Changing Custom Budget

As a veteran myself with a active military husband we are proud to give those who serve, and have served 15% off your Life Changing Custom Budget! A bonus is I have an understanding how the military pays and their benefits so I can easily use that information to guide you through creating this budget. This will relieved the financial stress of the spouse who is left at home while the other is deployed.

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